Tag: greater coa valley

Vilar Maior hosted Rewilding Photo Contest’s first award cerimony

February 8, 2022  |  News

Last Saturday was marked by the award ceremony for the first edition of the nature photography contest Rewilding Photo Contest, a contest by Rewilding Portugal held in partnership with Comunidade Cultura e Arte. Practically all the winners and honorable mentions were present, on a day that was also used to make known Vale Carapito, the first rewilding area in the region.

Vision for Quinta de Santa Margarida: an oasis of biodiversity in the border plateau

December 10, 2021  |  News

Quinta de Santa Margarida, which for many years served as a source of ore and employment in the “Raia” region between the municipalities of Sabugal and Almeida, was recently acquired by Rewilding Portugal, which now intends to transform the space into a reserve for wildlife. This article exposes Rewilding Portugal’s vision for the place, with a view to promoting the rich natural heritage of this region.

Hati: the guarding dog that never leaves its herd

December 3, 2021  |  News

Hati, one of the dogs integrated by the LIFE WolFlux project to support livestock producers in the region and promote good coexistence practices between local communities and the Iberian wolf, lived an emotional story in September, in which he showed that he was made for these functions .

New breeding colony of cinereous vulture confirmed in the Greater Côa Valley

December 2, 2021  |  News

At the beginning of November, Rewilding Portugal confirmed the existence of a colony of cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus), which confirmed reproductive success in several pairs in the Malcata Reserve. This is excellent news for a species that is still critically endangered in Portugal and of which only about 40 couples are known, distributed in two main colonies in the Tejo International Natural Park and in Alentejo.

LIFE WolFlux prepares new nature guides

November 30, 2021  |  News

The LIFE WolFlux project, in an action coordinated by Rewilding Portugal and Rewilding Europe, developed, this November, the first training of nature guides, with the objective of betting on local entrepreneurship in the Greater Côa Valley and promote the operationalization of this activity in a more sustainable way and that respects and values the surrounding natural heritage.

Rewilding Portugal and Symington united in volunteer action

November 29, 2021  |  News

Quinta de Santa Margarida, between Sabugal and Almeida, is on its way to becoming a new wildlife reserve. While the initial fauna and flora monitoring actions are taking place, as well as the first preparatory actions in the space, the Symington Family Estates team joined Rewilding Portugal in an intensive action to clean the property, removing large volumes of garbage and residues.

Pioneer “Rewilding Center” opens in the Greater Côa Valley

November 10, 2021  |  News

Rewilding Portugal inaugurated, on October 30th, its Rewilding Center in Vale de Madeira, in the municipality of Pinhel. A space dedicated to nature conservation and direct contact with the local community. This new center is critical for the organization to embark on a new approach to conservation that aims to involve those around it.

WildCôa: the wildest side of Côa is waiting for you

October 2, 2021  |  News

WildCôa, by Paulo Martinho, is one of the members of the Wild Côa Network, an initiative promoted by Rewilding Portugal. As its name indicates, WildCôa offers you a personalized and differentiated way of getting to know the wildest side of Portugal in the Greater Côa Valley.

The nature-based economy flourishes in the Greater Côa Valley with Flor Alta

September 21, 2021  |  News

There is now a new business benefiting from the Rewilding Europe Capital (REC) funding facility, Flor Alta. This is a company based in Almendra, near Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo and offers a wide range of handcrafted and natural products, an alternative to the synthetic substances found in more conventional beauty products.

Hotel Cró, thermal paradise on the banks of the Côa river

September 9, 2021  |  News

In Rapoula do Côa, right in the heart of the Greater Côa Valley and far from all the Portuguese urbanity, there is a thermal paradise still unknown to many, even those who live and are from the region, but which has been attracting more and more tourists and curious people from all corners of the country and the world.

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