E. Public Awareness and Dissemination Actions

E. Public Awareness and Dissemination Actions

E.1 Photographic, video and other material to document and disseminate the conservation actions carried out under the project


First photo mission carried out

First video mission carried out

Second photo mission carried out

Third photo mission carried out

Second video mission carried out

6 nominations for international nature film festivals

E.2 Production of a project website and information materials to promote the species conservation among targeted audiences and the general public


Project website live

Project leaflet produced

Small promotional materials produced (tote bags, pens, roll-ups)

Project booklet produced

Rewilding Portugal

E.3 Awareness programme for local stakeholders


First informative sessions carried out

First seminar about wild ungulates carried out

Informative sessions in roe deer reinforcement areas carried out


E.4 Children and youth awareness programme of extra-curricular activities related to wolf conservation


First schools selected

EcoClubs started in 2020 in a remote way

EcoClubs started the presential activities

E.8 Installation of project information panels in the area of activities 


First 6 panels installed (Sabugal, São Pedro do Sul, Vila Nova de Paiva, Videmonte, Cinfães and Figueira Castelo Rodrigo)

Remaining panels installed

E.9 Positive News on Local, Regional and National Media


Media partnership established with Jornal Fórum Covilhã

Media partnership established with Rádio Cova da Beira

Media partnership established with Comunidade Cultura e Arte

Media partnership established with Centro Notícias

Media partnership established with Jornal A Verdade

Media partnership established with Cinco Quinas

Media partnership established with Capeia Arraiana

Media partnership established with Viva Serra

Media training held with Comunidade Cultura e Arte on Figueira Castelo Rodrigo

Remote media training held with Rádio Cova da Beira and Jornal Fórum Covilhã

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