
A new cross-border project will create conditions for the recovery of the Iberian wolf and lynx south of the Douro river, in Beira Interior and Extremadura (Spain)

January 4, 2024  |  News

The LIFE LUPI LYNX project, which began in January, brings together seven Portuguese and two Spanish organisations in a cross-border effort to create the socio-ecological conditions that will contribute to the recovery of the Iberian wolf and Iberian lynx south of the Douro river, in areas where both species are beginning to appear or still have an irregular presence. The aim of this project is to promote better coexistence between these predators and man, guaranteeing habitat conditions and coexistence with human activities.

The story of a storyteller: an interview with wildlife photographer Ricardo Lourenço

December 14, 2023  |  News

At the beginning of November, Portuguese photographer and videographer Ricardo Lourenço won three prizes at the Portuguese Rewilding Photo Contest, which is co-organised by the Rewilding Portugal team. In October, one of his images was also highly commended at the prestigious European Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition. We caught up with Ricardo to find out more about his life, work, and thoughts on rewilding.

Interview with Bárbara Carvalho (Wild Côa Symphony)

December 5, 2023  |  News

Bárbara Carvalho is one of the faces of the Wild Côa Symphony project, a collaborative artistic project that won a competition from the Endangered Landscapes Programme to carry out an artistic residency in the Greater Côa Valley. This interview was carried out in the beginning of this year, and the project is at its final stage and the first results were already presented to the public.

Interview with Deli Saavedra, Rewilding Europe’s Head of Landscapes

November 28, 2023  |  News

Head of Landscapes at Rewilding Europe, Deli Saavedra has the important task of monitoring the progress of rewilding efforts in different areas currently underway across Europe. In an interview, he talks to us about the biggest challenges of his job, the future of this collective and unified project and his plans for the future.

Leading organisations join forces to scale up practical rewilding across Europe

November 23, 2023  |  News

Launched at the conclusion of a high-level gathering in Vienna, the European Rewilding Coalition brings together Europe’s leading practical rewilding organisations. By working together, the coalition membership will accelerate landscape-scale rewilding across the continent. Rewilding Portugal is part of this coalition and were present in this gathering.

Entrevista com Ana Varela, aliada importante na nossa missão

November 23, 2023  |  News

A nationally recognized actress, Ana Varela spent the last year in the Greater Côa Valley with her colleague and actress Sara Prata, so that together they could get to know the region and Rewilding Portugal’s work in it. She immediately fell in love with what she saw and it’s been a bond that has grown closer and will have a very important new chapter next year: Ana will be the voice-over for the new documentary we have in production. In the meantime, she has already returned this year with her family.

Study reveals the impact of stray dog predation on livestock and the growing presence of wild ungulates in the wolf’s diet

November 20, 2023  |  News

An article recently published by the Wildlife Unit of the University of Aveiro, in partnership with Rewilding Portugal and Zoological (Lino et al., 2023), which includes data collected as part of the LIFE WolFlux project, highlights the impact of predation by stray dogs on livestock and reveals a greater representation of wild ungulates in the diet of the Iberian wolf south of the Douro River.

Wild Côa Network: interview with chef Miguel Veiga

November 20, 2023  |  News

Chef Miguel Veiga is one of Rewilding Portugal’s oldest partners, having already provided catering services in several of our events and being part of this big family. Recently, he also became a member of the Wild Côa Network to further strengthen this connection and increase synergies with other members.

Monitoring fungi in rewilding areas

November 15, 2023  |  News

Fungi are possibly the organisms with the greatest importance for ecosystems and for our life that we know the least about. They are the main decomposers in most terrestrial ecosystems, recycling organic matter in a wide variety of forms, from dead wood to animal carcasses, and allowing nutrient cycling to continue. They create soil and form symbioses with other organisms, mainly plants, and almost invisibly allow healthy forests to exist. Among various other roles, fungi have also been an important source of medicine and food for humans.

PERTO, the new shoe that uses wool from producers who have learnt to live with the Iberian wolf

October 4, 2023  |  News

Brands have been slowly moving towards more sustainable and environmentally conscious production. Wildling Shoes, based in Germany, already has a long history of this type of production and has now developed, in partnership with Rewilding Portugal, a new shoe called Perto, which goes even further. A shoe that supports producers who live in a positive way with the Iberian wolf, supported by the LIFE WolFlux project.

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