Keeping water on your land can be beneficial, as many natural processes rely on it. Identifying sources of water on your land is important. Historical land use maps and catchment plans can provide information on drains and water features that have previously been present on your land (such as ponds).
If your land does not have any sources of water, you may want to consider creating a pond – this has many benefits for wildlife and increasing water retention, which depending on where you land is, may be important in the coming decades due to climatic changes and increasingly dried and hotter areas. Keep in mind that any interventions dealing with water bodies, streams, ponds, etc. may be subject to previous licensing.
For inspiration about ponds check out the video below about healing the planet with ponds. You can also find out more about how to create ponds for wildlife here and here.
By becoming better informed about your land, you can start thinking about what may be missing. However, sometimes it may be difficult to find out about some species groups – for instance bats, which require more specialized equipment to detect and identify. So when you have gathered as much information as you can, it is time to consider whether you may need some additional help, thus moving on to step 3.