Tag: bison

European bison arrive in Portugal for the first time

May 30, 2024  |  News

A herd of eight European bison have just arrived in Herdade do Vale Feitoso in Portugal. Managed in cooperation with the Rewilding Portugal team, they will enhance carbon sequestration, boost biodiversity, and support the growth of nature-based tourism.

Free-roaming bison herds deliver positive climate impact

May 17, 2024  |  News

A new study has calculated that the European bison population currently roaming free in the Southern Carpathians rewilding landscape in Romania could help to draw down and store 54,000 tonnes of carbon a year – the equivalent of the annual CO2 emissions of almost 123.000 european cars. This positive climate impact magnifies the importance of supporting wildlife comeback across European landscapes, with rewilding playing a key role.

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