C. Conservation Action Results

Rewilding Portugal

C. Conservation Action Results

Rewilding Portugal

C.1 Setting-up a veterinary force trained in the use of damage preventive measures


Call for veterinaries launched

Two veterinaries subcontracted

Training with Grupo Lobo held

Rewilding Portugal

C.2 Implementation of damage preventive measures and best management practises


Protocol to sign with landowners who receive damage preventive measures prepared

23 Serra da Estrela Mountain Dogs integrated throughout project area

First three fixed fences built

More dogs and fences being attributed to livestock breeders


Blue Nomads | Rewilding Europe

C.3 Setting- up specific teams to protect wolf habitat and to help local stakeholders in the conflicts with wolf 


Surveillance team (two members) hired and trained

Surveillance team training complete

Surveillance team operational

First wildlife ambassadors selected

First training with wildlife ambassadors held

Remaining wildlife ambassadors selected and trained

C.4 Increasing wild prey availability for wolves


Sites for roe deer reinforcements selected

Obtaining licenses for releases

Equipment bought (GPS collars)

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