A. Preparatory Action Results

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A. Preparatory Action Results

A.1 Preparation of the administrative basis of the project


Contracts with project participants

Selection of staff to be involved in the project

Contracts with staff

Purchase of equipment and consumable materials.

Calls for tender for staff to be hired and for subcontractors

Contracts with subcontractors

Other administrative and legal procedures that might appear in the course of the project

A.2 Kick-off meeting and training of project partners about common provisions and project management


Detailed time plan for the first year of the project.

Kick-off meeting of the project held.

In-depth briefing about the technical and administrative guidelines for the management of LIFE Projects (Webinar).


A.3 Initial wolf monitoring and feeding ecology analysis in the project area


Sampling protocol elaborated and training in sampling collection with ICNF rangers held

Data sharing protocol established with ACHLI

Field work completed

Genetic and diet analyses carried out on scat and swab samples

 Report on initial wolf monitoring prepared

A.4 Preparatory actions for increasing wild prey availability for wolves


Field work planning completed

Nine field campaigns carried out

 Report on wild ungulate monitoring prepared

Selection of priority areas for increasing wild prey availability for wolves

Contacts with hunting areas to set up land custody agreements for roe deer reinforcements

Florian Möllers / Rewilding Europe

A.5 Creation of a management plan for wolf prey species south of the Douro River


First participatory session held with hunting associations

First global management plan prepared

Selection of additional areas for preparing global management plans

A.6 Preparatory actions for the implementation of damage preventive measures and best management practises


Analysis of wolf attacks on livestock south of the Douro river carried out

Partnership with Grupo Lobo for selecting and integrating livestock guarding dogs established

 First livestock breeders interested in damage preventive measures identified and first visit to livestock breeder carried out

Criteria for participation of livestock owners in Action C2 defined

Other livestock breeders interested in damage preventive measures identified

A.7 Human dimension study on attitudes and impact


Social science experts subcontracted

Methodology of survey and sampling design defined.

 Interview script designed

 Field work carried out

Report on human dimensions finalized

A.8 Business opportunity identification and planning


Rewilding Portugal Enterprise Officer hired

First business identified

Second business identified

Business and investment plans prepared

Other businesses to support identified

A.9 Mapping and databasing socio-ecological barriers to inform decision making of project actions


Geographic Information System (GIS) with spatial project data operational

Selection of variables for inclusion in habitat suitability model

Conclusion of mapping and habitat suitability model

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