Land Art Festival
The Land Art Festival is a local bi-annual event which aims to bring a new model of art and cultural expression to the Côa Valley, while also promoting the region and its local natural and cultural identity as a travel destination, as well as showcasing local businesses – giving them an opportunity to present their products.
The project will provide communications support to this festival – it will define a timeline of activities, prepare a list of presenters, producers and artists who will be attending, and find possible sponsors.

Children and Youth Clubs
School children and the younger generations can be active change makers, because sociologically they are typically drivers of change in their communities. Empowering them through the promotion of youth clubs, environmental education, training for tourism and guides can create a new generational group in the region that will impact and transform its vision of itself for the future.
In the frame of this action a Youth Education program will be established for primary and secondary schools of the project areas. Valuable contacts with teachers, eco-clubs and headmasters will be established serving as a solid base for future collaboration in ecological education. All didactic material produced within this action will be donated to school teachers so it can serve as a basis for them to carry out similar activities regarding wildlife conservation after the project.

Stakeholder Engagement and Awareness
The project will be presented in many different locations in the whole project area, in order to inform local stakeholders and include their point of view from an early stage. Seminars, peer-to-peer exchanges of practises and field visits will be promoted in order to disseminate best practises, inform about project actions and raise awareness on different topics.